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Steps to work with Local API


Local API is only available for Local Hub

SVR_URL: http://{Your Local Hub IP Address}:1080

Step1, Get Access Credentials

YoLink App ([Local Hub] -> [Local Network] -> [Integrations] -> [Local API])

Step2, Obtain Access Token

Obtain the access_token through the Token interface of Open API V2

curl -X POST -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=${ClientId}&client_secret=${ClientSecret}" ${SVR_URL}/open/yolink/token

Step3, Get device list by Access Token

Http Request Simple

curl --location --request POST '${SVR_URL}/open/yolink/v2/api' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}' \
--data-raw '${BDDP}'

Demo Data

Request: JSON of BDDP

"method": "Home.getDeviceList"

Response: JSON of BUDP

"code": "000000",
"time": 1739325898971,
"msgid": 1739325898971,
"method": "Home.getDeviceList",
"desc": "Success",
"data": {
"deviceId": "****4c010001****",
"name": "Door Sensor",
"token": "****2C89C9FE5C30509B9B6****",
"type": "DoorSensor"

Step4, Control devices with device token

Call ${DeviceType}.* with Device Net Info(DeviceId & Net Token) obtained in Step 3.

Http Request Simple

curl --location --request POST '${SVR_URL}/open/yolink/v2/api' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}' \
--data-raw '${BDDP}'

Demo Data

Request: JSON of BDDP

"method": "DoorSensor.getState",
"targetDevice": "****4c010001****",
"token": "****2C89C9FE5C30509B9B6****",
"params": {}

Response: JSON of BUDP

"code": "000000",
"time": 1739326633594,
"msgid": 1739326633594,
"method": "DoorSensor.getState",
"desc": "Success",
"data": {
"online": false,
"state": {
"state": "closed",
"battery": 4,
"delay": 0,
"version": "041e",
"openRemindDelay": 10,
"alertInterval": 5
"reportAt": "2025-02-10T04:00:22.818Z"

Step5, Subscribe to receive events from devices

 mosquitto_sub -u ${ClientId} -P ${ClientSecret or AccessToken} -p 18080 -h ${Your Local Hub IP Address} -t ylsubnet/${sub-net Id}/+/report