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Error Code

000101Can't connect to Hub
000102The hub cannot respond to this command
000103Token is invalid
000104Hub token is invalid
000105redirect_uri can't be null
000106client_id is invalid
000201Cannot connect to the device
000202The device cannot respond to this command
000203Cannot connect to the device
010000Service is not available, try again later
010001Internal connection is not available, try again later
010101Invalid request: CSID is invalid!
010102Invalid request: SecKey is invalid!
010103Invalid request: Authorization is invalid!
010104Invalid request: The token is expired
010200Invalid data packet: params is not valid
010201Invalid data packet: time can not be null
010202Invalid data packet: method can not be null
010203Invalid data packet: method is not supported
010204Invalid data packet
010300This interface is restricted to access
010301Access denied due to limits reached, Please retry later
020100The device is already bound by another user
020101The device does not exist
020102Device mask error
020103The device is not supported
020104Device is busy, try again later.
020105Unable to retrieve device
020201No devices were searched
030101No Data found
999999UnKnown error, please report it to